6th Sep - 8th Sep, 2024!
6th Sep - 8th Sep, 2024!

Terms & Conditions

  1. FurJAM, NSW Furs, its organisers and associated volunteers/helpers take no responsibility for your personal safety or the safety of your personal belongings during its associated events.
  2. FurJAM and its organisers reserve the right to revoke your registration and access to events if we believe you to be in violation of the rules.
  3. Should a registration be revoked, NSW Furs is not required to refund that attendee all or part of the registration fee.
  4. NSW Furs and FurJAM are not required to provide a refund of all or parts of the registration payment if an attendee cannot attend part or all of the associated events. If an application is made for refund it will be the decision of NSW Furs and the organisers of FurJAM as to whether a refund will be provided.
  5. NSW Furs and FurJAM are not required to provide a refund or alteration if your FurJAM T-Shirt order is wrong after the cut off date.
  6. It is a requirement upon registering for the event that you provide your full and correct name. Upon picking up your badge you are prepared to provide legal proof of identification. FurJAM organisers and NSW Furs reserve the right to refuse event access if you cannot provide identification, and do not need to provide you with a refund if this is the case.
  7. Attendee badges are to be worn at all events, NSW Furs retains to right to revoke any attendee access to an event if they cannot provide their badge as identification.
  8. NSW Furs retains ownership of all attendee badges until the conclusion of the Sunday night event and may cancel or withhold your badge if your registration is revoked for any reason.
  9. While FurJAM and NSW Furs will do their best to provide for specific dietary requirements, it is the responsibility of attendees to inform the organisers BEFORE THE CUT OFF DATE. FurJAM and NSW Furs are not required to refund part or all of your registration if you have nothing to eat at the Saturday BBQ.
  10. While all attempts will be made to make sure all attendees are catered for, FurJAM and NSW Furs are not accountable if you suffer an allergic reaction at any of their associated events.
  11. If a registered furry name or shirt print name is deemed controversial or offensive by an organiser, NSW Furs reserves the right to change or otherwise delete your registration from the event.
  12. Any damages incurred to an event space or the belongings of other staff, attendees or persons as a direct result of your actions are not covered by NSW Furs. You will be expected to make reparations and pay for damages if you cause them.
  13. Thirteen is an unlucky number, and you may think that if you keep reading there’ll be some easter egg that will win you a prize after we go on about reading about an unlucky number will make your day luckier. However like we said, this is an unlucky number, so no luck for you!
  14. FurJAM attendees and volunteers do not speak on behalf of the entities FurJAM and NSW Furs. Only authorised organisers can make comments or decisions regarding FurJAM and anything in relation to it.
  15. NSW Furs and FurJAM retain the right to reject the claim a child is under 13yo where it is contrary to the evidence at hand. Therefore if your child is mature, large or tall for their age, please bring some form of supporting information.
  16. NSW Furs and FurJAM retain the right to change the terms and conditions without notice at any time as deemed necessary by the organisers to protect the safety and security of attendees and the event.

TL;DR: We can tell you to leave, we don’t have to give you refunds, we aren’t responsible if you hurt yourself, if your stuff gets stolen or if you get things wrong because you didn't read the rules, terms and conditions!

Alcohol Policy

At FurJAM, many of the events take place in licensed venues and as such, alcoholic beverages are available for consumption to adult attendees. This is personal choice, however we do ask everyone to drink responsibly so that we can all have a great time. Please make sure you pace your drinking and always have a plan on how you’re getting home/your hotel! A few specific guidelines are here for your convenience.

  • It is illegal in the state of NSW for minors to consume alcohol. If an attendee is a minor and found to be drinking/under the influence of alcohol, they and their guardian will be asked to LEAVE the event and may be banned from attending further events.
  • Certain events (such as Saturday’s BBQ event) are held in alcohol free zones. It is illegal in the state of NSW to consume alcohol in these areas. Attendees found consuming alcohol in an alcohol free zone will be asked to leave the event and may be banned from attending further events.
  • It is illegal in NSW to supply liquor or sell liquor to persons under the age of 18. Attendees found to be supplying or selling liquor to minors will be asked to leave and will receive a PERMANENT LIFETIME BAN from further FurJAM events and details will be forwarded to NSW law enforcement.

Drug Policy

While FurJAM is aware that recreational drugs are used throughout the world, we do not condone the use of recreational drugs or substances at FurJAM or its related events. This includes the use of illegal substances in the state of NSW as well as the recreational use of prescription medication.

  • Persons found consuming illicit drugs for recreational purposes or illegal substances at FurJAM events will be asked to leave the event and may be banned from attending further events.
  • Persons found selling or supplying drugs for recreational purposes or illegal substances will be asked to leave the event and will receive a PERMANENT LIFETIME BAN from further FurJAM events. Their personal details will be forwarded to NSW law enforcement.

Behaviour & Code of Conduct

  1. FurJAM is and always will be a social, informal meetup of people from many different walks of life. When you attend FurJAM, you will see friends, you may make new friends and in some cases you may find people that you don’t get along with. This is fine, everyone is different but please remain polite and considerate. People you may not like are allowed to be here just as much as you and are also allowed to enjoy their time at FurJAM, just like you.

    Be polite, use common sense, be respectful and considerate towards others. If someone you dislike is at the event, try to avoid interacting with them. If you feel like you are being harassed, please come and talk to the organisers and they will see if they can help. If you are harassing others and continue after being told to stop then there may be serious consequences.

  2. You may possibly see costumes and fancy dress at FurJAM. These people are expressing themselves and they are also at the event to have fun. Please do not impede on their good time. Also be aware that A Costume Is NOT Consent - nobody has the right to be touched or mistreated just because they’re wearing something out of the ordinary. If somebody does not want to be touched or hugged, please respect their personal space.

  3. While costuming is very welcome and in many cases encouraged, please be aware that this is an all-ages event. Any costumes deemed inappropriate will lead to the owner/wearer of the costume being asked to take it off or remove it. If someone wearing an inappropriate costume refuses to remove the costume as requested, they will be told to leave the event.

  4. During your time at FurJAM, you will see fursuiters. Fursuiters are one of the most visually appealing aspects of our fandom and they need to be respected in order to keep them safe. Please be aware that the person in fursuit has very limited vision and will have limited time before they will need to take a rest and cool down. Please be considerate when making requests of fursuiters (including, but not limited to: climbing trees, running in a specific direction for your video, jumping, etc.) and unless they specifically state that they are OK with doing such, do not force the issue or continue to make requests of them.

    Be aware that our fursuiters are wearing their costumes as a means of self-expression and are not specifically there for your entertainment. If you wish to approach a fursuiter for a hug, politely ask them, but please do not be offended if they say no as some people are uncomfortable with being hugged. Again, please respect their wishes and personal space.

    Under NO circumstances should you grab on the tail or other parts of a suit. Anyone found to be damaging or mistreating another person’s costume will face consequences the same as if you were harassing or bullying someone. You may even be expected to pay for repairs or replacement costs. Fursuits can be extremely expensive (costing up to thousands of dollars) and it is best if the damage wasn't done in the first place!

    Do not approach a fursuiter from behind. If you want to get their attention, approach them from the front and speak or wave to get their attention. Some fursuiters will not speak - some prefer to use pantomime in order to communicate. Please respect their method of performing and expression.

  5. If you are a fursuiter please make sure that you are prepared for the day, organise a handler for yourself, bring plenty of water to stay hydrated and keep your belongings in a safe and compact space. Most fursuit friendly events will have a private headless area for you to change. These areas will be designated for fursuiters and handlers only. If you are using one of these spaces to change into and out of your fursuit, please treat it with respect and keep it tidy. It is a space for all suiters to use, so please be courteous and considerate with the space you use. If you are done suiting for the day/evening, please pack up your suit and store it in an appropriate area that is not the headless area. If you are suiting and you feel unwell, get help immediately. Do NOT try to push yourself for the sake of a photo/walk/etc, your own health and safety should be your biggest priority!

  6. FurJAM and its events are often held in the public eye, and as such we all need to be mindful of our behaviour when out and about (Especially us organisers!). Our behaviour reflects on our fandom, our events and on ourselves, so please keep this in mind when enjoying yourself at FurJAM and behave in a way that humans would do when out in public.
  7. Be aware that photos and video will be taken at FurJAM. If you do not wish to be in photos or video footage, please politely tell the photographer/videographer and make an effort to stay clear if they are attending something larger (group shots/fursuit shots/etc.). For those with cameras we do ask that you respect the wishes of the attendees and try to work with them so that everyone can have the best time possible.
  8. When you register for FurJAM, you will be given a badge (among other things). That badge is your identification for any and all events that you attend during FurJAM, and will be required to be produced for entry to events, or use of Saturday fursuit change facilities and to get food at the BBQ. So make sure you have it on you! Using another person’s badge, or “ghosting” will result in you and the owner of the badge being asked to leave the event and you may both be banned from attending further events.

Minors & Parents/Guardians

FurJAM hosts many events that are family friendly and are suitable for minors (under 18s) to attend. However if you wish to attend and are under the age of 18, you must have a parent or legal guardian accompany you at all times.

Minors under the age of 13 do not have to pay a registration fee.

Parents and/or guardians should be aware that your child or ward is your responsibility during the events run by FurJAM. While FurJAM organisers will do their best to make sure that your child or ward is safe at our events, we are often busy running them and do not have the capacity (or obligation) to supervise them.

A parent/guardian MUST register before any associated ward/minor can register for FurJAM as we require minors to enter their parent/guardian’s registration number (provided in your registration confirmation email) to register themselves with.

If you are registering with a minor, you will have the name of the minor under your care printed on your badge (in addition to your own). If you are a minor, you will receive a special badge outlining your status as a minor and will have your parent/guardian's name printed on your badge (in addition to your own)

Rules Regarding Artists and Crafters

The furry community has many skilled, talented and creative people. Art and craft is one of the foundations of furry culture and we know this well. If you are one such person with the gift of creation, we have a few things to ask of you.

  1. Please be aware that FurJAM is a family friendly event and we expect minors to be present. All products must have no more than a PG13 theme. Mature themes and NSFW (Not Safe For Work) are not appropriate for FurJAM. They are not to be brought to FurJAM, let alone displayed. If you are found to have inappropriate material in your possession at FurJAM, you will be asked to put it away, surrender it to the organisers until the event's conclusion or be asked to leave.
  2. Please do not make sales of any kind at FurJAM. We cannot provide the security of your wares or finances at FurJAM venues and we cannot grant the authority to conduct business at our venues. Example, the Saturday BBQ is held in a Sydney Council Park. ANY transactions are strictly prohibited by order of the NSW Government and can carry criminal charges. If people love your work and would like to purchase it (through commissions or otherwise), that's fine as long as it does not occur within or near FurJAM event locations.
  3. Materials or goods deemed offensive, unhygienic or unsafe by the organisers are not allowed and will result in you being asked to leave and possibly result in you being banned from the event and future events.


This year FurJAM is taking applications for people who wish to volunteer to help us run the event. Duties will include such things as helping with set up and pack up for events, running the registration desk, overseeing events and games and stopping Mojo from having TOO much fun! If you think you can handle that, there’s a few things you need to know:

  1. Volunteering is not guaranteed. The organisers will review who applies and choose those who they best believe will handle working for the event.
  2. Friday and Saturdays are busy days and we will need all hands on deck for both, especially Saturday. We will be happy to work with volunteers to assess their availability.
  3. You are not an authority of FurJAM, you cannot ban people or ask people to leave. If you believe there is an issue to be resolved, or if someone is causing trouble for you, then please contact one of the organisers and we will resolve the issue.

Still keen? You can either tick the "I'd like to volunteer" box when registering, or you can reach out to us at furjam.team@gmail.com or reach out to @EVILM0J0 and tell us you’d like to apply!

 Disclaimer: these items may or may not actually be cursed, FurJAM organisers take no responsibility for any effects that could be caused by said curse.

To summarise: Be nice, be thoughtful and have fun!